Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baby Bean = Boy or Girl?

Well, the date is set. October 13th, 2009 is the day that, if BB is cooperating, we will know whether our future will be filled with sugar and spice and everything nice, or with frogs and snails and puppy dog tails. In the beginning nearly every one of our family and friends felt that BB was a boy. But lately there seems to be a significant shift to team pink. I thought I would be one of those moms that just ‘knew', but nope, no such intuition. Jeff has consistently claimed to know that he was having a son, but not only does he slip up often and call BB a "she", but his heart tends to melt a little more whenever he spots a baby girl. We would be happy either way: a healthy baby equals a happy Jeff and Jenny.

What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know if you are on team pink or team blue.
See the sonograms below for some help!

You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike- Dave Attell


Brandina said...
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Brandina said...

i'm going team pink on this one...

Anonymous said...

I want to go on record saying BB is def. a boy! More like BBB (baby bean boy) for that matter! Either way I can't wait to meet my lil niece or newphew and spoil them with love and kisses! Becoming an aunt is def. the best thing that's every happend to me! <3 Bridgette

Anonymous said...

How exciting !!! I'm sticking with my original thought....BOY! Can't wait to find out. Love you guys, Kelley

Unknown said...

I am going blue!!