Saturday, September 19, 2009

Introducing.....Baby Bean

Here are a couple of pictures from our first ultrasound, a little glimpse of life on the inside. In the first picture we learned BB was 8 weeks old. See the measurement? Stay tuned for a more updated ultrasound where BB looks more like well, a baby, not a bean, dog, alien or bat, like other adoring family members have suggested.

You don't take a photograph, you make it- Ansel Adams


Aunt Stefanie Uncle Jim said...

Jenny, How like your photographer mom you are. Its in the genes! All those pictures you posed for and smiled with the giant bows in your hair. You thought the pictures would never end:) Now look - you are taking pictures before BB can even smile or pose with a bow! Preparing BB for a life in front of many cameras - our included!! Watch out Jeff :) XOXO AuntStefanie Uncle Jim