Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Ever-Expanding Baby Bean Bump

Yes, the BB bump has grown like crazy since our last Halloween bump post. I feel like he's growing each and every day. Below is a long overdue series of pictures charting the not-so-slow demise of my waist line. Enjoy!

At the Del Mar Fair. BB was with us and we didn't even know it!
BB= about 4 weeks old

4th of July. The day after we found out!
BB = about 5 weeks old

BB's first picture with Grandma Annie,
proudly displaying the picture with how we shared the news.

BB with his Uncle Mikie, Auntie Megan and Cousin Mckynna,
moments after they found out!
BB = 5 weeks old

BB celebrating with Cousin Mckynna on her 1st birthday,
 accompanied by his Great Aunts, Patty and Kelley. 
BB = 11 weeks old 

BB celebrating Uncle Mikie's 30th birthday.
BB = 11 weeks old

BB's 1st smore, on his mom's 29th birthday,
spent enjoying Thai food and smores over a bonfire on the bay.
BB = 12 weeks old

Labor Day trip to Bass Lake.
BB = 14 weeks old

BB on daddy's 31st birthday.
Guess what we did.  Yep, ate Mexican food.
BB = 17 weeks old

BB with his Grandma Princess Peggy during his 1st trip to MS.
BB = 18 weeks old

Sporting Halloween PJs during BB's 1st trip to MS.
BB = 18 weeks old

Auntie Bridgette and Grandma Annie
rubbing the baby bump for good luck.
BB = 20 weeks old

BB's 1st Halloween,
spent at Great Aunt Kelley and Uncle Kevin's haunted house.
BB = 22 weeks old

BB shopping. He'd better get used to this!
BB = 23 weeks old

BB is getting bigger.
BB= 24 weeks old

Making BB's 1st stuffing.
BB = 24 weeks old

BB with his 1st pair of shoes,
sent all the way from the UK from his dear Auntie B and Uncle B
(Brandina & Brian :).
BB = 25 weeks old

Uncle Mikie pointing out how big BB is getting.
BB = 27 weeks old

BB with his 1st Christmas Tree, my oh my how he has grown.
BB = 28 weeks old

Christmas 2009 with our BB.
BB = 29 weeks old

BB with mommy's lovely friends.
BB = 29 weeks old

Registering for BB's loot.
BB = 30 weeks old

Later that night....BB's 1st New Years Eve.
BB = 30 weeks old

Getting so close....
BB = 32 weeks old

A ship under sail and a big-bellied woman, Are the handsomest two things that can be seen common- Benjamin Franklin


Brandina said...

Yay! Thanks for all the pics! So fun :) Love you three....