Monday, March 8, 2010

Any Day Now...

Baby Bean's due date is Saturday, March 13th.  For the mathematically impaired, that's just 5 DAYS AWAY!  Jenny has begun to feel as if she could go into labor at any moment (I'll spare you the details.  You're welcome).  The bags are packed, the car seat is installed, the nursery looks amazing, and we've checked off nearly everything else our baby books told us to square away.  We've even given the dog a bath so that he won't offend his new baby brother with his stink.  Now all we can do is wait for Mother Nature to pull the lever and get the gears of childbirth spinning.  We're living every moment on pins and needles, wondering what the next hour will bring, hoping all goes well.  Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have a panic attack...

We experience moments absolutely free from worry. These brief respites are called panic.

-Cullen Hightower


Princess Grandma said...

One day and counting. Can't wait. Princess Grandma.