Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
As many of you know, my past few weeks have been consumed with studying for the EPPP (the national psychology licensure exam). I have devoted nearly every waking, non-working moment I have to tackling this beast in the hope that I can put it behind me before I reach my 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The problem is my waking and non-working moments are fewer and farther between!
However, while I spent this past weekend immersed in psychopharmacology and statistics, an overwhelming sense of gratitude replaced the usual frustration I feel while studying. It began when I heard a ruckus in the next room and found Jeff in there cleaning, packing, hauling, rearrangining, and sweating. He was laying the ground work for what will become BB's nursery - or, as my mother likes to say, he was "nesting". Although BB is still a few months away from entering the world, Jeff has already proven himself to be an incredibly loving father. He reads to BB, has been stockpiling his dresser drawers with baby clothes we have been collecting, and just recently, he even purchased a new hat for BB...a matching version of one he already owns. How cute.
The second reason I have been feeling ever so grateful lately is because of the season. I just love this time of year, when fall is still in the air and Christmas is just on the horizon. And now with Baby Bean on the way, I feel that the holidays will be extra special. Jeff and I have already gotten into the spirit. With Christmas music playing in the background, Jeff also spent the weekend converting our home from Halloween to Christmas (all while watching football). I even took a break from my studies to help decorate the tree! In a few days it will be Thanksgiving, and we'll be celebrating with many of our family and friends. It's times like these when I'm reminded just how lucky I am.
The final reason for my recent swell of gratitude is because Baby Bean won't let me feel otherwise. Everytime I get too stressed or too tired, he reminds me what a gift life truly is. This reminder usually comes in the form of a jab or a kick to my stomach, but I have no complaints. He has been been moving and wiggling more and more, and seems to be getting stronger by the day. While in my kickboxing class on Saturday, I could swear that BB was coordinating his kicks with mine (perhaps he will be a ninja after all). Every time I feel him move I smile, thus I am smiling more each day. Jeff has even felt him move many times now. Sharing this with my husband just adds to my joy.
In short, Baby Bean makes me love life, the holidays, family, friends, and Jeff even more - and this is in spite of me spending so much time with my nose stuffed inside of a book. I can't even imagine how fortunate I will feel after he finally arrives :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings- Eric Hoffer
Posted by
Jeff & Jenny
9:24 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Puppy Dog Tails
That's right, folks. I'm going to be the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Whoohoo! Jenny and I couldn't be more excited; though we are still in disagreement over whether he is going to be an award-winning scientist or a ninja. Perhaps he can be the first biomolecular engineer to moonlight as a crime-fighting kung fu master. On second thought, maybe it would be best if we let him choose his own vocation.
We're still entrenched in the challenging process of choosing a name. 'Baby Bean' is sure to earn him more than his fair share of noogies and wedgies, so we'd better come up with something. More on that subject later. For now, feel free to stop by your local tobacco shop and pick me up one of those celebratory powder blue cigars.
Here are our most recent ultrasound pics, complete with an uncensored view of his, um, himness, if you will.
If you squint your eyes, cock your head and stare, you might be able to see that I'm a boy
My handsome profile
Practicing my ninja moves?

Posted by
Jeff & Jenny
9:44 PM
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Halloween Madness
More pictures of Halloween tomfoolery..............
Annual trip to Bate's Nut Farm, where we pick our pumpkins off the vine and enjoy some pumpkin flavored fudge.
Home is where the haunt is- Unknown
Posted by
Jeff & Jenny
12:23 PM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hamilton's Halloween Horror III
Every year around Halloween we torture our poor pup by dressing him up in some absurd costume, and every year he gets his revenge by taking to the internet and filling the inbox of our friends, co-workers, and family with his highly exaggerated complaints and awful puns. Those unfortunate enough to be on our email list have probably already seen this year's tirade. Those who aren't can find it below. We'll post more of our Halloween antics soon...
I'm sure you did not expect to hear from me again, that the humans who enslave me finally finished me off. But alas, I have managed to escape yet another Halloween with my life. And what a narrow escape it was! And now I come to you with another grim tale of abuse and despair, and another appeal for help.
As you might recall, these vile humans have stuffed me in a lobster shell and dropped me into a boiling pot, and they have destroyed what little dignity I had by dressing me in a ballerina's outfit and forcing me to twirl about for their cruel enjoyment. Oh, the horrors I have endured!
This year their monkey business reached dreadful new heights. As you can see from the photographic evidence below, these humans have gone completely bananas! They restrained me and bound me up in a most ridiculous and fruity disguise. Then they unleashed upon me a small but ferocious primate with four very sharp teeth. I tried desperately to peel away my yellowy binds, to prove to the ravenous creature that I am a dog and not some tasty tropical treat. But it was no use. I lost two inches of my beloved tail before the furry little monkey finally decided that I was not fit for eating.
Please, I beg of you to help me. Save me from the pain and humiliation that these humans bring upon me. I fear that I will not survive another year.
Woefully yours,
Hamilton Fitzpatrick
P.S. Happy Howloween!
Jeff, Jenny, Mckynna, Baby Bean, Hammy & Miyagi
P.P.S. Even after the events described above Hamilton and sweetest niece Mckynna (aka the adorable little monkey) remain the very best of friends.
Posted by
Jeff & Jenny
9:57 PM