Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Puppy Dog Tails

That's right, folks. I'm going to be the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Whoohoo! Jenny and I couldn't be more excited; though we are still in disagreement over whether he is going to be an award-winning scientist or a ninja. Perhaps he can be the first biomolecular engineer to moonlight as a crime-fighting kung fu master. On second thought, maybe it would be best if we let him choose his own vocation.

We're still entrenched in the challenging process of choosing a name. 'Baby Bean' is sure to earn him more than his fair share of noogies and wedgies, so we'd better come up with something. More on that subject later. For now, feel free to stop by your local tobacco shop and pick me up one of those celebratory powder blue cigars.

Here are our most recent ultrasound pics, complete with an uncensored view of his, um, himness, if you will.

If you squint your eyes, cock your head and stare, you might be able to see that I'm a boy

My handsome profile

Practicing my ninja moves?

When I grow up I want to be a little boy - Joseph Heller


Anonymous said...

He is so wonderful. I cannot wait to meet my grandson.