Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Madness

More pictures of Halloween tomfoolery..............

Annual trip to Bate's Nut Farm, where we pick our pumpkins off the vine and enjoy some pumpkin flavored fudge.

BB's first pumpkin!

Halloween at the Wild Animal Park,
Jenny with the mommy monkey/baby monkey statue and Jeff with an owl?!?!?

Apparently BB loves pumpkins as much as his parents.
Maybe it is all the pumpkin flavored Golden Spoon frozen yogurt his mom has been eating.

Pumpkin carving fun, including our annual tradition of watching It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Jeff's monstrous masterpiece!

Mckynna-kins helping us get ready for Uncle Kevin and Aunt Kelley's Haunted House.

Home is where the haunt is- Unknown


Brandina said...

YAY!!! Pictures of the baby bump! I'm soooo excited! Thanks Jenny...makes me feel slightly less far away. You look fabulous, of course. Love you two!
P.S...Jeff, that pumpkin situation you have is wild! :)